Little White Church

~ July 28th 2024 ~

Russeltown Church will once again open its doors to visitors on Sunday, July 28th at 2:30 pm. Friends are welcome to come visit and appreciate this beautiful site.

Donations will be welcomed as efforts continue to maintain this historic property.

In the context of the collective effort to counter the spread of the COVID, the event will take place in compliance with public health rules and the capacity of communities to welcome visitors.


L’événement annuel de L'Église Russeltown, se passera Dimanche le 28 juillet à 14h30 pour ceux et celles qui veux le faire connaître et apprécie.

Les dons sont toujours apprécie pour que nous continuons à entretenir cette propriété historique.

The Russeltown Flatts Church began through the vision of Mary Forbes, whose husband John ran a small store across the road. Her encouragement, along with the hard work of local settlers resulted in the raising of the building's frame in 1826. The church was first used by the Methodists and Congregationalists.

By 1853, the settlers were forming a strong tie to the Presbyterian Congregationalists and Mrs. Forbes turned the church over to them in return for their commitment to build a steeple. Donald Black, a federal Member of Parliament (1935-53) and grandson of original settler Josiah Black, donated the electrical lighting and fixtures for the church in 1920. In 1925, with the union of the churches, Russeltown Flatts Church joined the United Church of Canada. By 1945, the scattering of the local population forced the merger of Knox, Wesley-Covey Hill and Russeltown churches.

The Russeltown Church and Cemetery has been maintained by trustees and is now a registered foundation. The Church welcomes visitors to its Anniversary Service, regularly held the last Sunday in July.